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Made for Teacher's Shop

Average Rating4.40
(based on 50 reviews)

High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!




High quality GCSE Food, DT, Art & Design and Science resources. Great colleague feedback and engaged students. Resources include structured lessons which include reliable subject knowledge and all printables to make that superb complete lesson, worksheets assessment resources to help prepare for the coursework and exam; cover lessons that are fun and engaging. Download to experience high quality resources everytime, taking precious time off your workload!
Christmas Card

Christmas Card

This Christmas Card Design worksheet is ideal for D&T, Graphics, Art and Cross-Curricular subjects. The students are asked to complete two tasks, these include: Task 1: Replicate the type-faces below, using the boxes provided. Task 2:Finish the Christmas card designs below. Each card must feature the Lyrics “Jingle all the way” – using an interesting and appealing type –face/s. Think about how your text will be positioned and it’s size. You might like to choose a type-face from task 1, examples provided or your own. The worksheet is tried and tested, students fully engaged and was well received throughout a cover lesson! Merry Christmas Other Christmas resources: Christmas Cards - Style of Kandinsky Food Christmas Quiz Christmas Card -Typography. Different Task provided
Design Technology Cover work/worksheet - Design Considerations - Colour Association

Design Technology Cover work/worksheet - Design Considerations - Colour Association

This double sized worksheet it suitable for Design Technology Cover lessons; or delivered by a specialist teacher. The worksheet focuses on Design consideration, providing information and tasks relating to usability, aesthetic considerations and colour association. The four tasks are clearly explained and answers are included for all questions. It has been used primarily for KS3, but could be delivered to KS4. An additional handout sheet is also provided to help with differentiation. This handout sheet provides a list of suggested colour meanings for students to use (if they wish) to help complete task 2. Other resources you may find useful: Design Technology Cover work